Access to Work
In the Department of San Marcos, 82% of women are unemployed without payed work (subject to long working hours, lack of social security, and precarious wages).
Of the few women who have gained employment contracts, 19% have said to have suffered or suffer from violence in the work place. Of this 19%, 21% of women have suffered physical violence, 32% psychological, and 47% economic violence.
In San Marcos, and Guatemala as a whole, there is a large wage gap between men and women who are registered in “formal” jobs.
This gap is even greater in the sector of work that is without an employment contract, mostly in rural areas, where money is earned by the day for workers on coffee, banana, and palm plantations, and the working wage for women is much lower than men.
“On average, women earn about 84% of a man’s salary; but if we go to rural areas, the indigenous woman earns about 60% of the salary given to a man, for the same activity.”
For more information, visit the following link:
The Wage Gap Continues