In the Department of San Marcos, it is estimated that 268,495, or 49%, or women suffered gender violence. However, out of the 1,800 complaints received in 2015, only 253 reached the pending stage in the Court of Departmental Femicide.
In the Department of San Marcos, 83% of women live in poverty or extreme poverty.
This level of poverty is higher than men due to the unequal distribution of roles that especially affects the level of malnutrition found among women in comparison to the male population.
For “Strengthen the Thread,” the political representation of women is one of our most important objectives. Since the creation of the Women’s Network, we believe neither equality nor equity can be achieved without the participation of us women in decision-making processes.
In our Department of San Marcos, the representation of women is alarmingly and dramatically low.
In the Department of San Marcos, 82% of women are unemployed without payed work.
In addition, wages are drastically different between men and women.
The rate of illiteracy among women in San Marcos reaches 59%.
The average number of years in school of a society, is indicative of educational success. In Guatemala, the education attainment is relatively low (4.6 years) compared to that achieved by the rest of Latin America which, on average, is seven years.